Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Day in the HAY

First of all I would like to say WOW..
I can't believe it's been so long since I got a post on this blog.
I write them in my head all the time,
but always think I need a picture to go with it......
SO that seems to have me dragging my feet.
I honestly feel the old saying is true...
"A picture is worth a THOUSAND words."
but in my opinion...
when you can combine the two...
THEN it's priceless!!

Anyway... I am finally getting "to it"
and am hoping to make a promise to myself as well as you guys

To WRITE more often!!


We realized we needed to get the rest of the hay out of the field
before we cut for the last time of the season.
I wasn't busy that day, and thought Brady and I

would join Brad in the HAY.

Of course Brady wakes up every single day
in an adventure... and this day was no exception.
He asked a jillion questions, pointed, and talked
the whole time as he discovered something new.
He was almost overcome with wonder at the sight
of that big green monster rolling on wheels.
As I sat and watched my 2 guys I couldn't help but think
how incredibly lucky "Little Brady" is to have a dad like Brad.
Though he may not look like a GQ model
I see more clearly now than ever that LOVE
comes in all shapes and sizes.
It may be filled with long hair,
a fuzzy beard, and holes in jeans...
But when it's REAL no one seems
to care what it LOOKS LIKE !


  1. I love this! An adventure at the Cypert house everyday also! Having big boys and little boys is the BEST! You and I area in a parallel happy place............don't ya love it! It's wonderful to be "in love" and "be loved"! Check us out!

  2. You really should write more often! You do it so well:)

  3. Hi Staci! Thanks for popping on over to my blog! I love your post!!!! Well said about love:)

    I have to tell you how much I ADORE your necklace in your "about me" photo! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!

  4. l dont know about GQ models, but he is hunky, gorge and looks all man...lucky you..and he has hair....yum!!
