Friday, July 24, 2009

The Tapestry of LIFE

We buried my sweet brother 6 years ago this week.
It's been a little tough this year for some reason.
I guess as more time goes by I realize he's really not here with me.
How I miss his voice, his laugh, and his big wonderful hugs.
He was my one and only sibling.
I often have asked myself WHY...
I know there are just some questions that
in this lifetime we don't get an answer to.
WE just have to trust that God sees
the WHOLE tapestry of our lives.
And somehow each and every tiny peace fits together
to make us who we are.
If there is a lesson here to teach our children....
It is to always tell people how much they matter.
We throw the words I love you around like we do socks on the floor.
But to tell someone they really MATTER..
That their life matters to you because it makes yours better!
Their voice matters on the other end of the phone,
their face matters after a long day,
their touch feels like no other in the world,
and their thoughts and dreams matter to you!
Our families are so often the ones we take the most for granted..
Take the time today to tell them that they MATTER,
because someday they might not be there to hear it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brent's Gonna Play Football

WELL.. we found out yesterday that Brent made
the football team
at Midwestern State University...
I went with him for a tryout a few weeks ago,
and we've been patiently awaiting a callback.
It's hard to believe that he won't be wearing a wonderfully worn in glove,
and a sweaty old cap again......
However, I am thrilled and so very excited for him to start this new chapter of his life.
He really wants to play college football,
and I really want him to give it his best try...
So.......... it worked out as it should be.
When he called to tell me about wanting to switch sports I nearly had to grasp a breath,
but now all I can think about is my precious first born baby boy
LIVING a life in which he follows his dreams..
Now what more could a mother want for their child.
Maybe our biggest job
as a mother...
is to help our children pursue their dreams,
not our dreams for them..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Careful What We're Teaching

Those of you who know me, and maybe even some of you who don't....
know that I am a huge lover of words..
I think that they hold a power that is matched by no other..
At church last weekend however I heard something that rocked my thinking..
My preacher was talking about words and the power they have.
There are so so so many places in the Bible that talk about the tongue and the power it carries.
Then he said.... There is a reason that God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth...
Because we are supposed to listen twice as much as we speak...
WOW... and double WOW...
I could hardly contain myself through the rest of the service because I wanted to tell everyone I knew what I'd learned...
Then it dawned on me that no one really wants to be told that...
They want to SEE that..
People know when you are listening to them..
He also said that hearing is a function of the body,
and listening is a function of the mind...
WOW again...
How wonderful would it be for me to be able to really show my children that
I am LISTENING to what they say...
not just HEARING the words while I am also doing something else!
And how incredibly romantic to actually look into your husband's eyes when he is talking with a true sense of what you're saying is important to me...
I hope Brady sees by my actions that I am Listening more than I am Speaking..