Saturday, September 26, 2009

Making Memories

This has just been one of those
"over the top"
busy weeks..
It was Brook's homecoming at Southwest.
But... now that it's all over,
it is one of those times
where you are so thankful
that you have been a part of.
My house is covered in glitter, sparkles,
ribbons, and fringe fuzz from Brook's mum.
But... (this one I know from experience)....
These are the times that both children
and their parents look back on
with smiling memories.
Now that Brent is about to turn 20 years old...
I look back and remember
his first garter I made him,
and the girl friend's (or date for the week)
mums I made over the years.
I giggle about his taste, and him thinking
I was putting too much on it.
When has a girl ever thought that
about a mum. hee hee
So as I get ready for bed tonight.....
completely ready to relax for a while
I am forever grateful for these memories and
YES.. even these messes...
Because when the time has long passed
Those are all we have left.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Promise

Overwhelmed, and Overdone
would be a kind way to express the
state of my life the last few weeks..
I have turned into the very thing I can not stand .....
Someone in a RUSH
who merely spends their day getting from one thing to another...
I spent so many years of my life in the "RUSH" mode
and I have made a vow to myself never to return.
Return is exactly what I did..
When you spend your days in a RUSH you completely miss out on LIFE.
You only RUSH from one task to the next
telling everyone to " hang on a minute"
......and before you realize it your day is gone.
YOU may have accomplished your work,
but at what cost...
I had once again become the very thing I can not stand.
So as I look at this precious little boy
of whom I have told to "hang on"all week long........
I see precious time slipping by.
What a shame that we sometimes get so caught up in life that we forget to live it...