Friday, July 24, 2009

The Tapestry of LIFE

We buried my sweet brother 6 years ago this week.
It's been a little tough this year for some reason.
I guess as more time goes by I realize he's really not here with me.
How I miss his voice, his laugh, and his big wonderful hugs.
He was my one and only sibling.
I often have asked myself WHY...
I know there are just some questions that
in this lifetime we don't get an answer to.
WE just have to trust that God sees
the WHOLE tapestry of our lives.
And somehow each and every tiny peace fits together
to make us who we are.
If there is a lesson here to teach our children....
It is to always tell people how much they matter.
We throw the words I love you around like we do socks on the floor.
But to tell someone they really MATTER..
That their life matters to you because it makes yours better!
Their voice matters on the other end of the phone,
their face matters after a long day,
their touch feels like no other in the world,
and their thoughts and dreams matter to you!
Our families are so often the ones we take the most for granted..
Take the time today to tell them that they MATTER,
because someday they might not be there to hear it.


  1. i'm sorry that this is a difficult week for you. thank you for the reminder to tell those we love how precious they are to us!

  2. Sorry to know your pain this week. I have been thinking about calling a brother with whom I usually have no contact just to catch up. Your post may be another way that God has urged me to do that.

  3. sorry about the loss of your brother, i believe i met you shortly after that and i have never asked what happened to him? is that an appropriate question? if not i apologize. i am sooo sorry for the loss and i know there are sooo many things in life that we don't ever totally understand. thanks for sharing your heart on such an important matter. i appreciate any advice that makes us stop and see the blessings we have around us, and to really think about whether we are listening to the people we love, or whether we are letting them know that they truly matter to us...that's really good stuff. love ya girlie!

  4. Hey there sweets,

    aaaww im so sorry for your loss.
    i understand.
    chin up and keep talking to him and praying to him. Im sure he is your gaurdian angel.
    have a great week.

  5. Staci I so understand. I am not sure it does get easier. That is what you always hear, with time it gets easier.....I miss my brother each and every day. The fall is the worst time for me. He loved football so much, that was always our sat. morning call after friday night football ya Kim
