Thursday, March 12, 2009

Joy Journal

Those of you that know me, know I write constantly..
I've always loved words and the power that they hold..
They can change a mood, create a smile, warm a heart, ease anxiety, relax a moment, and in my opinion change your life forever..
I try to write everyday. Some days of course I miss, but for the most part "I let it all out" ON paper. Over the years I have filled up countless journals.
This year however I bought a special one just to call my JOY Journal...
Every time I feel that tickle in my soul, that bubble in my heart, and that bounce in my feet...
I grab it and write the memory down.
As the days slip away, and some of those UGLY ones creep up on occasion....
I pull it out and read.
HOW powerful to read something that warmed your heart once.
Because I PROMISE it will do it again..
LIFE truly is filled with way more good than bad.
There is beauty all around, just stop and find some.
It could be covered with bubbles and mud.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Start Overs

A very famous Photographer (Jeff Hawkins) took this image
of me one year at photography school. I have always loved
the way it really captured my forever thinking mind.
Man... I gotta say last week was just not my best one..
I often wonder how a person can try so hard and screw up so badly.. Well, let me totally tell you it can happen. All in a weeks time I have had surgery, fussed with my mother, fussed with my daughter, been to the emergency room, snapped at my husband a zillion times, pouted, missed a cheerleading competition, and felt like an all around loser.
It seemed like if I said it, it came out wrong... MERCY!!!!!!
I also realized I hadn't been putting anything positive into my life in a week or so.
AND...I am a firm believer in what you put in comes out.
Or should I say
"What you put in changes what comes out"!!!!!

YUCK... that must mean what I have in there isn't so nice.
Soooooo, I started digging through my stash of inspirations
and found a book I'd bought but never read .
Joel Osteens Your best Life Now for MOMs
Ok.. I have to say I highly recommend it.
I bought mine at Ross for $3.99.
Just changing what was going into my mind,
had a huge impact on what was coming out.
I realize that sometimes what we pray for
is right in front of us
wrapped in an altered package.
When we pray for courage sometimes we get opportunities to be courageous.
When we pray for peace sometimes we get an opportunity to be peaceful in a tense situation.
And sometimes when we pray for strength in our family bonds we find an opportunity to strengthen them...
Without the challenge how could be grow.